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MITA MS: Attendance Letter - IMPORTANT

Posted Date: 1/29/25 (9:18 PM)

Dear MITA MS Community,

This a friendly reminder to students and parents about the importance of attendance. As shared repeatedly in different formats and forums, MITA MS is a public charter school that is held to a high level of accountability to determine our Performance Category that directly impacts our charter status. The following California Dashboard [] metrics are used:

  1. Chronic Absenteeism (10% of school year = 18 days for MITA MS)

  2. Suspension Rate

  3. English Learner Progress

  4. English Language Arts

  5. Mathematics

Attendance directly impacts school funding, but more importantly it impacts student achievement. We are asking all parents/guardians to help us ensure the regular, on-time attendance of their children at school. Our goal is to have all children present in school every day and on time. Please be advised that attendance letters will be sent to families in order for us to work collaboratively to support student success.

As per GTA Board Policy, students missing four or more consecutive days of school shall engage in short-term Independent Study work. The maximum and cumulative number of short-term Independent Study days is 15 for the school year. Let us know at least 5 days in advance of an extended absence to coordinate short-term Independent Study. Successful completion of short-term Independent Study improves a student’s overall attendance and prevents the designation of chronic absenteeism.

Absences must be reported in ONE of the following ways:

  1. Email – Preferred:

Subject Line: Student Absence Report

Body: 1) Relationship to the student; 2) Student name (first and last); 3) Date of absence; and 4) reason for absence.

Sample: “I am the mother of John Doe, 7th grader. John was absent on September 9th. He was sick.”

  1. Written Note by Parent or Doctor

  2. Online: Via ParentSquare from the absence notification sent to the parent/guardian

  3. Phone - (707) 552 - 6482, choose “7” after the menu message.

  4. In Person: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

If calling, please speak slowly and include the following information:

  • Name of student - please spell out the student’s last name

  • Grade level of the student

  • Person calling and their relationship with students

  • Date of absence (specify all day or time the student will arrive at school)

  • Reason for absence

 For more information about the school’s absence procedure, visit the school’s website:  As always, we welcome your concerns and questions.

Kind Regards,

Lai Saeteurn, School Director

Mare Island Technology Academy

(707) 552 - 6482, Press “3” for MIT middle school

(707) 370 - 0050, Direct Line to MITA MS