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Progressive Discipline

Mare Island Technology Academy subscribes to the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) philosophy.  It is a three-tiered framework to positively impact student outcomes by continuously improving our systems to support data-based practices. We aim to create a learning environment where every student succeeds, but not necessarily in the same way or on the same day.


PBIS Tiers

You are free to CHOOSE whatever action you take, but you are not free from the CONSEQUENCES. Actions have consequences. Slow down to think before you act. Be familiar with the progressive discipline at Mare Island Technology Academy.


MITA MS Progressive Consequences for Violations

Students and caregivers shall be familiar with progressive consequences for any deviation from our S.O.A.R. principles. We will maintain a psychologically and physically safe learning environment. This is not an inclusive list. 8/21/23 DRAFT


1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th +

Dress code violation

Parent contact to bring student change of clothing; loaner clothes, or detention.

Parent conference


Use of cell phone and/or cell phone out of backpack.

Use of earbuds, iwaches, etc.

Phone confiscated. Parent contact. Student pick-up. 

Phone confiscated

Parent contact and verification. Student pick-up.

Phone confiscated. Parent phone contact. Student pick-up

Phone confiscated. Parent must pick up.       

Littering/Throwing food/water bottle spray


Parent notice

Structured Choice

Structured Choice

Loss of privilege(s) Parent Conference

Unsportsmanlike conduct (rough play and tackling) 


Parent notice

Loss of privilege


Parent conference


Parent conference




Profanity/derogatory language

Community Circle/Restorative Justice 

Parent Conference


Suspension when directed at staff.

Suspension; Parent restorative justice

Enrollment conference

Play-fighting / Fighting 


Parent conference

Suspension/parent conference/Safety Plan

Suspension/parent conference/Safety Plan/Contract

Enrollment conference


1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th + 

General disruptive behavior 


Parent contact

Calm Corner

Parent contact

Buddy Room

Parent contact

Parent conference

Referral to Admin

Parent Conference


Class Suspension


Willful defiance of teacher/staff member


Parent contact


Restorative meeting

Parent conference

Arriving tardy to a class

Attendance notification 

Attendance notification 

Parent contact 

Parent conference


Cutting class (more than 10 minutes late)

Parent Conference


Parent contact


Parent conference


Other Violations 

Range of Possible Consequences

Physical Aggression/Contact

1- 5 Day Suspension: + 1 Day (History of behavior), + 2 Physical Contact, + 1 or more with regard to physical contact/aggression

Sexting/Possession and/or distribution of pornographic content

Possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco/paraphernalia

Theft and vandalism of school/personal property

All of these infractions warrant suspension from school and parent conferences. Additionally, they can warrant:

Parent conference & Law Enforcement involvement

Counseling and healthcare cessation programs

School Attendance Review Team (SART) Meeting

Citation by Police                           Enrollment Conference                      Expulsion

Sale of Drugs

Possession of a Weapon (knife, sharp object, firearm)

Brandishing a Weapon

Possession of Explosives

Mandatory Recommendation for Expulsion

Please view our Progressive Consequences for Violations document below. 

You can also view it via this link!