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Attendance & Absences

Everyday Counts with targets

Mare Island Technology Academy wants all students to have good to excellent attendance. Any full or partial day absence not listed below is considered unexcused.


  • Injury or Illness
  • Medical or Dental appointments
  • Attending a funeral service
  • Jury duty
  • Attending a cultural ceremony or event
  • Authorized at the discretion of a school administrator


Absences must be reported within 72 hours or students will be considered unexcused.

Please report an absence in ONE of the following ways:

  1. Email – Preferred:

Subject Line: Student Absence Report

Body: 1) Relationship to the student; 2) Student name (first and last); 3) Date of absence; and 4) reason for absence.

Sample: “I am the mother of John Doe, 7th grader. John was absent on September 9th. He was sick.”

  1. Written Note by Parent or Doctor
  2. Online: Via ParentSquare from the absence notification sent to the parent/guardian
  3. Phone - (707) 552 - 6482, choose “7” after the menu message.
  4. In Person: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

If calling, please speak slowly and include the following information:

  • Name of student - please spell out the student’s last name
  • Grade level of the student
  • Person calling and their relationship with students
  • Date of absence (specify all day or time the student will arrive at school)
  • Reason for absence